

Thursday 10 November 2022

A short ceremony to say goodbye to 50 Tanzanians to work in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The permanent secretary – prime ministers office work, youth, employment, and disabled prof Jamal Katundu speaking

The representative from the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia's acting ambassador Mr. Fahad Alharbi

The representative from foreign affairs and East African co-operation

Across a section of 50 Tanzania youth who are going to work in Saudi Arabia

In a group photo, sited. Permanent secretary of the prime minister's office – work, youth, Employment, and disabled prof Jamal Katundu and a representative from the Royal embassy Fahad Alharbi and an official from the prime minister's office and foreign affairs, pose to a group with Tanzania Youth whose are going to work in Saudi Arabia.

Permanent secretary of prime ministers’ office prof Jamal Katundu Handing over the 50th contract  to the Almarai company through the Bravo job center of Tanzania Representative Abass Mtevu left is a representative of the Saudi Embassy Fahad

In a group photo, sited. Permanent secretary of the prime minister's office – work, youth, Employment, and disabled prof Jamal Katundu and a representative from the Royal embassy Fahad Alharbi and an official from the prime minister's office and foreign affairs.

Monday 10 October 2022

The Egyptian defense 0ffice in dar es salaam marks the 49th anniversary of Egyptian armed forces day

 Egyptian Défense Attaché accredited to Tanzania, Brigadier General Sherief Farag celebrated the 49th Anniversary of the 6th October Victory which marks the Egyptian Armed Forces Day on a Reception at Johari Rotana Hotel in Dar es Salaam. Every year, the anniversary is celebrated with pride, jubilation, and a sense of fulfillment as the Great October War restored Egyptian people’s trust in their armed forces, when Sinai, a part of the sovereign territory of Egypt, had been liberated.

Ambassador Mohamed Gaber Abo Al Wafa, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Tanzania, Brigadier General Sherief Farag the Défense Attaché accredited to Egypt, and Lieutenant Colonel Mahmoud Yassin Assistant Défense Attaché was receiving all the distinguished guests.

Chief of Staff of the Tanzanian People's Défense Forces Lieutenant General Saloom Hegi Othman represented Mr. Innocent Bashungwa, the Minister of Defense and National Services in the event as the Guest of Honor.

Ambassadors, High Commissioners, and members of the Defense Attachés Association accredited to Tanzania, Chiefs, representatives of various missions, and the Egyptian Community in Tanzania attended the event in a good number

The Defense Attaché Brigadier General Sherief Farag gave his speech in which he congratulated the Egyptians, the armed forces, and the entire Arab World on the occasion of the 6th October Victory, and how Egypt could pass all the challenges that it faced during the last years, followed by the speech of the Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Salum Haji Othman, remarking the strong relations between Egypt and Tanzania, then memorial group photos had been taken.

During the event, The attendees watched a documentary video about Egypt, and the latest achievements in all fields, followed by a short video about Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project in Tanzania, which reflects the bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

The Egyptian Defence Attache Brg General Sherif Farag Mohamed addresing the audience

The Egyptian Defence Attache Brg General Sharif Farag Showing Egyptian histoc things to hte Guest of Honor Chief of Honor Chief of Staff of Tanzania Peoples Defence Forces Lt Gen Salum Haji Othman during the Occassion

The Egyptian Defence Attache to the defence office in Dar es Salaam  Brg General Sheriff Farag left, presenting a Victories Shield to the Guest of honor Chief of staff of Tanzania people's Defense Force Lt Gen Salum Haji Othman, to the Occasion of the 49th Anniversary of the October Victory Egyptian Armed forces day held in Dar es Salaam last weekend.

The Egyptian Defence Attache to the defence office in Dar es Salaam  Brg General Sheriff Farag left, presenting a Victories Shield to the Guest of honor Chief of staff of Tanzania people's Defense Force Lt Gen Salum Haji Othman, to the Occasion of the 49th Anniversary of the October Victory Egyptian Armed forces day held in Dar es Salaam last weekend

The Ambassador of Egypt Mohamed Gaber, Lt Gen Salum Othman ana Brg Gen Sherif Farag

Group Photograph with Guest of Honor 

The Egyptian Defence Attache Brg General Sharif Farag Showing Egyptian histoc things to hte Guest of Honor Chief of Honor Chief of Staff of Tanzania Peoples Defence Forces Lt Gen Salum Haji Othman during the Occassion


National Anthem

Watching Documentary

Invited Guest

Invited Guest

Defence Attache Brg Gen Sherif with his Spouse center and Assistance Attache Lt Col Mohamed wih his Spouse right with their invited guest left

Sunday 25 September 2022

 The 92nd of the National day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, held in Dar es Salaam on 22 September 2022

The 92nd of the National day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, held in Dar es Salaam on 22 September 2022

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia  Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan  receives the guest of honor Honorable Hamad Masaun (Tanzanian Minister of Home Affairs). to receptor mark the 92nd of the National day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, held in Dar es Salaam on 22 September 2022

The Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the United Republic of Tanzania Abdullah bin Ali Al_Sheryan, receiving the Inspector General of Police Camillus Wambula, to receptor mark the 92nd of the National day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, held in Dar es Salaam on 22 September 2022

Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the United Republic of Tanzania HE Mr. Abdullah bin Ali Al_Sheryan delivering a speech during the Occasion to Commemorate 92nd National day of Saudi Arabia

Home Affairs Minister Hamad Masaun delivered a speech at the function to mark the 92nd  National day of Saudi Arabia on 22 September 2022

Home Affairs Minister Hamad Masaun delivered a speech at the function to mark the 92nd  National day of Saudi Arabia on 22 September 2022

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Tanzanian Minister of Home Affairs Hamad Masaun center, and Dean of Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of Comoros Dr. Ahamada El B Mohammed right, cut a cake to mark the 92nd National day of Saudi Arabia

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Tanzanian Minister of Home Affairs Hamad Masaun center, and Dean of Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of Comoros Dr. Ahamada El B Mohammed right.

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Some Invited Guest

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Dean of Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of Comoros Dr. Ahamada El B Mohammed

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Dean of Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of Comoros Dr. Ahamada El B Mohammed

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Invited Guest

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Some Invited Guest

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Invited Guest

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Some Invited Guest

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Tanzanian Minister of Home Affairs Hamad Masaun

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Some Invited Guest

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Some Invited Guest

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Tanzanian Minister of Home Affairs Hamad Masaun center, and Dean of Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of Comoros Dr. Ahamada El B Mohammed right

The Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Abdullah Bin Ali Al_Sheryan with Some Invited Guest

Some Invited Guest

Some Invited Guest

Some Invited Guest

Some Invited Guest